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light breeze 輕風〔二級風〕。

light buoy

Wireless lan is accessible from most outdoor areas on campus . checking e - mail , accessing course material or even doing group projects are no longer limited to indoors - an experience one shouldn t miss especially on a warm and sunny day with a light breeze 無線網絡系統現已覆蓋校園內大部分的戶外地方, z過多個無線接駁點,你可在戶外查閱電郵、進行網上學習,甚至和同學討論功課?這些活動再不用局限于室內了。

See go to from the farther place , under the light breeze that this mountain and the sky set off under , at with 熙 , the big banyan is absolutely an one beautifully green of “ forest “ 從較遠處看去,在這山和天空的襯托下,在和熙的微風下,大榕樹簡直就是一片綠意盎然的“森林“ 。

White roses : white roses signify innocence and secrecy . imagine a light breeze from the ocean , delightfully irresistible and unpredictable 白玫瑰:白色玫瑰代表純潔、秘密。就像一陣吹自海洋的微風,讓人覺得愉快的無法抵擋、無可預知的感覺。

With a faint whistling , the last flock of pigeons etched a circle in the light breeze , then disappeared 最后的白鴿群帶著低弱的笛聲在微風里劃一個圈子后,也消失了。

Clear skies in raccoon city and a light breeze coming in from the west 浣熊市天氣晴朗有股和風由西面吹入

The clouds are pale and a light breeze is blowing . 云淡風輕。